Shopify Fraud Prevention

Last year we were hit with tons of fraudulent orders with stolen credit cards. The fraudsters found a way to spam orders by using the order now button in our subscription portal (something for which recharge offers a solution only upon request). While working with the recharge team I developed the following shopify flows for fraud prevention (which cost us $0/month).

check if customer already had chargebacks, the tag puts the order on hold with the 3PL
utilise the shopify fraud checker (first order would usually get caught as high risk when with stolen credit cards, but subsequent once wouldn’t as shopify would recognise them as existing customer)
and last but not least – the fraudsters were spamming the order now button, placing 10 orders in 10 minutes; this called for what i named “rapid fraudulent orders prevention”, where if a customer places more than 3 orders in a day the last + all previously placed orders would get put on hold