Click Cart – Shopify App

Work in progress, currently figuring out the shopify app store approval process!

green felt like the right color for links that bring money + what’s better for a demo store than one selling palm trees

The What: my first shopify app

The Why: did you know that you can easily create shopify links that add multiple products to users carts, redirect them to any page and can simultaneously add a discount code on top?

It’s supported out of the box, but finding all the variant ids and building the links is messy. This app solves that, for free.

The inspiration: i’ve used the links myself for email and sms campaigns and even create a google sheet so that my team can generate them whenever needed.

The How: Made it all myself in JS, hosted it on Cloudflare pages. Pretty fun project that kept me quite entertained for a few evenings.

The Future: get a few users, gather some feedback from outside my small circle, upsell them on Click Cart Pages (kid you not, fits perfectly as the next step of the project haha)

listing preview, the shopif app store approval is a small headache…nothing like the apple app store tho!