Category: web

  • Shopify Fraud Prevention

    Last year we were hit with tons of fraudulent orders with stolen credit cards. The fraudsters found a way to spam orders by using the order now button in our subscription portal (something for which recharge offers a solution only upon request). While working with the recharge team I developed the following shopify flows for…


    One of the best times, we’ve build this small app with my close friend Andreas during the initial covid lockdowns as an improvised weekend hackathon on the balcony. The builder is a beauty, the landing page works, honestly just try it out, it’s free – p.s. We’ve build it all ourselves while taking a…

  • Belprom Real Estate

    Web design with a pretty cool interactive floors map for a real estate developer in Sofia, Bulgaria. You can try out it on their website here The What: small website for a real estate developer, most interesting part of the project was the map The Why: made the map so that people can easily…

  • The Clean Spot Digital Setup

    One of my favourite clients! These guys are running 2 dry cleaning studios in Sofia, Bulgaria with optional delivery & pick up from your home. I’ve set up their website, Android & Apple apps and Point of Sale system used in the studios. Recently we’ve also connected it all to google data studio (now looker…

  • Lalilab Customer Acquisition Survey

    Project for a client with a skincare brand, website is and the survey is available at Not yet translated to english, but coming soon (you can also view with google translate or just read my post below) The What: multi-step customer diagnostics (survey) for finding the perfect skincare products routine. Users select a…

  • Click Cart – Shopify App

    Work in progress, currently figuring out the shopify app store approval process! The What: my first shopify app The Why: did you know that you can easily create shopify links that add multiple products to users carts, redirect them to any page and can simultaneously add a discount code on top? It’s supported out of…